
Most people don't want to leave their general car standard, more power, more economy or just something different?
We can assist and will work with you to decide whether a simple OBD ECU Reflash will suffice, or a Turbo change, EGR alteration and DPF delete would be more beneficial.
Throttle Bodies or other induction changes are all catered for.
If you compete in a formula that allows modifications within certain parameters (BriSCA F2, Autograss Class 2/3 etc) then please don't hesitate to get in touch. We can chase the extra percent on your behalf through careful planning and execution of the regulations.
RACE Performance will NEVER build an illegal engine for competition.
If the sky is the limit and your budget allows that to be achieved then we can push the boundaries with you.
Development engines and components, high compression forced induction, one off ideas or tried and tested path's using nothing but the finest quality components. It's what we do...